Several districts in Nothern Uganda including Apac and Gulu districts have very high malaria prevalence in Uganda. Apac and Gulu have traditionally suffered extremely high malaria rates in the past several years. Surprisingly, Apac district is one of the malaria hotspot of the world (…/321076440). These districts need more government support to tackle the malaria crisis. Malaria rates will continue to rise if the government and the international community do not provide adequate funding for malaria programs. It was against this background that the training has targeted the two districts.


The training aimed at equipping the local population with the basic skills on how to use mosquito nets in order to prevent chemical side effect, mosquito bites and longevity.


It all started with a two-day travel to the respective villages of each district. From these villages, the local leaders were notified, and then, homes with children under five-year-old were chosen. Secondly, the priority was given to pregnant women. In these homes, parents and the pregnant women were given the nets after being trained on how to use the nets safety.


All village members were very happy with the current approach, they have requested for more nets, their preference were directed towards the blue nets rather than the white ones, they appreciated the strength and ropes that the nets came with as well as the size.


A few homes thought I was a medical doctor and they presented to me series of problems to listen to. Further, other homes requested for the nets which I could not give them since they did not meet the requirement under which I was giving out the nets. The village roads were bad so I had to hire motorbikes to be able reach all of the house-villages.


Happy children with SafeNet®️

Happy children with SafeNet®️

Meeting with parents of the target beneficiaries

Meeting with parents of the target beneficiaries

Meeting with parents of the target beneficiaries

Interviewing beneficiaries on challenges they are facing with the currently available nets in markets.

Meeting with parents of the target beneficiaries

Demonstration on SafeNet®️ usage

Meeting with parents of the target beneficiaries

Family receiving SafeNet®️

Meeting with parents of the target beneficiaries

Children under 5 receiving SafeNet®️

A grandmother with her granddaughter receiving SafeNet®️

A grandmother with her granddaughter receiving SafeNet®️

Pregnant woman with her kids getting SafeNet®️

Pregnant woman with her kids getting SafeNet®️

Distribution of SafeNet®️ in different villages

Distribution of SafeNet®️ in different villages

Introducing myself and the product to the gathered end users

Introducing myself and the product to the gathered end users

This document has been prepared by entomologist Hudson ONEN from Uganda who has worked with us hand in hand.